Strengthen the skills and knowledge of healthcare professionals and organizations through capacity-building programs, ensuring the delivery of high-quality healthcare services
Develop and implement robust strategies for the prevention and control of diseases, including infectious diseases and public health threats, to safeguard the health of Ugandans. We pay advent attention to incorporate Climate action to drive adaption and mitigation of impacts of climate change that essentially affects Health
Advocate for and facilitate access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, including reproductive rights, to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health
Enhance nutritional standards and practices to combat malnutrition and promote overall health, particularly in at-risk and underserved communities
Improve access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene practices in order to advance public health and reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases, particularly in disadvantaged regions
We work together with Government health facilities and PNFPs to identify & deliver medical care directly to poor and vulnerable patients who need lifesaving treatment and contribute to their medical bills